The PPI Project hosted a convening at Florida International University in Miami March of 2022. The goal was to support prosecutorial reform through the implementation of the PPI project in the times of COVID, rising crime rates in several jurisdictions, and negative media attention to reform-minded prosecutors. The meeting brought together elected prosecutors, their policy or research directors, funders, and the PPI team, to: (1) provide updates on the PPI implementation in new partner sites, (2) strengthen the PPI peer network, (3) brainstorm a communications strategy in support of reform-oriented prosecutors, and (4) discuss strategies for carrying out data-driven reforms and community engagement. Discussion revolved around assessing the 2020-2021 implementation of the PPIs: what works, what does not work, and how to improve our approaches. We also explored strategies to implement community engagement efforts in select partner sites. The meeting was co-sponsored by The MacArthur Foundation Safety and Justice Challenge, The Schusterman Family Foundation, and the Microsoft Justice Reform Initiative. We look forward to our fall convening which will happen in October at Loyola University Chicago.
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