The Community-Prosecutor-Researcher (CPR) Model

CPR Model
No meaningful change in prosecution can occur without community involvement. With funding from the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies, we are developing and piloting a blueprint for community engagement in prosecutorial reform.
We call our approach the Community-Prosecutor-Researcher (CPR) model. With this work, we are figuring out how to best identify local community partners and support them to open and sustain meaningful prosecutor-community dialogue. Specifically, our goal is to map out community stakeholders, host listening tours for elected prosecutors, tailor PPIs to individual sites based on community input, help form community advisory boards, and support the work of these boards with data, analytics, and policy research. Key to the success of the CPR model is a strong local partner and a prosecutorial office willing to rethink the role of community in prosecutorial reform.
We would like to hear from community organizations, advocacy groups, researchers, and government partners who have experience bringing community groups and practitioners together.
Please also stay tuned as we produce new knowledge on this topic.