Implementation Phases & Steps
Prosecutorial Performance Indicators
Anticipating Challenges
- Prepare to address political, cultural, and logistical challenges to PPI implementation.
- Identify potential PPI allies and skeptics within and outside your office.
- Hold meetings with select staff and external partners for the explicit purpose of discussing PPIs and the potential impact of implementing the PPIs for their work.
Staff Capacity Assessment
- Examine current clerical/IT/analytical capacity for entering, extracting, linking, managing, and analyzing data.
- Explore research partnership opportunities with local universities.
- Assign a senior executive to be responsible for overseeing PPI implementation.
- Identify prosecutors who have an interest in using data, and prepare them to serve as data ambassadors.
- Understand how staff currently use data at each level of your office.
Data Assessment
- Identify all internal and external data sources.
- Assess data elements readily available from your case management system, human resources department, victim advocates, and other criminal justice agencies or specialized task forces.
- Evaluate which PPIs can be measured using data currently available to you.
- Understand what new data can be collected internally or requested externally to measure additional PPIs.
Office-wide Engagement
- Introduce and explain the PPI framework office-wide.
- With help from data ambassadors, foster an office culture of data use.
- Develop a roll-out strategy that is time-bound and explicit about staff roles and responsibilities during implementation.
- Manage your expectations about buy-in among staff but be persistent about garnering support for the initiative.
- Gather baseline data for as many PPIs as is feasible.
- Assess how meaningful each indicator is to your office while considering your goals and priorities.
- Select a group of PPIs across the nine objectives to adopt based on the quality of data and the usefulness of the information.
- Determine formats for presenting PPIs to management versus external government and community stakeholders.
- Establish baseline data for each PPI from which change will be measured
- Coach executive and mid-level management to understand PPI trends, notice red flags, ask questions, seek additional information, identify possible solutions, and improve data entry practices.
- Evaluate and meet training needs for your clerical, IT, and data staff.
- Recruit and train researchers and/or IT specialists to grow your office capacity for collecting and analyzing data.
Ongoing Data Collection
- Collect, clean, and analyze the PPI data on monthly, quarterly, and/or annual bases.
- Present this information in data dashboards, spreadsheets, or charts and graphs.
- Routinize and automatize the process of data extraction, analysis, and presentation.
- Establish data quality control mechanisms.
- Plan to collect new data not currently available to measure additional PPIs.
- Hold monthly or quarterly meetings to digest PPI data based on analysis of time trends and comparison across office units.
- Request additional data from your IT/data staff to answer follow-up questions that arise from these meetings.
- Consult with your staff and external stakeholders to understand changes in trends.
- Link findings to specific policies, practices, and office structure.
- Highlight instances where the office is succeeding and acknowledge those who contributed to positive changes.
Policy Development
- Engage with policy and research experts to develop strategies to improve performance.
- Prioritize which issues to address based on the feasibility and impact of solutions.
- Delegate strategy implementation to a staff member or task force, and monitor execution.
- Communicate new policies internally.
- Discuss the benefits of this work with community groups.
- Monitor data trends to evaluate improvement over time.
Implementation Videos